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Photo credit: UNHCR


Photo credit: World Affairs 

What is going on in Afghanistan?

The situation in Afghanistan is heartbreaking. Instability in Afghanistan is putting the lives of thousands of civilians at high risk who has helped the Americans for the past two decades. The U.S. has already started the emergency evacuation process. We will witness the arrival of thousands of new Afghan families to the United States. Luckily, Washington State is home to a few hundred Afghan Special Immigration Visa (SIV) families, who proudly served for U.S. armed forces and the civilians in Afghanistan.

Why we should help Afghan SIV families?

We, the United States citizens owe them for their services and sacrifices along with our forces. As Americans, it is our responsibility to do everything we can to support them upon arrival to the United States and to help them with their resettlement.

What can we do to help?

 The Afghan American Cultural Association (AACA) has started its initiative to help Afghan families with smooth resettlement. AACA will assist the Afghan families in the following areas:

  • Welcome families upon arrival into the Washington State

  • Provide them with transportation from the airport

  • Basic food, and hygienic items

  • Clothing, mattresses, and household essentials

  • Cooking utensils and dishes

  • School supplies, and shoes for kids

  • School registration for kids

  • Help adults with college enrollment

  • Help with job search

  • Show around the key places for grocery, and routs for buses

  • Take their families to parks and playgrounds

How can you help?

Without your financial contribution, we would not be able to give the vulnerable families a sense of belonging and hope for a better future. Your generosity and contribution are the reasons we are making a positive impact on lives of new Afghan SIV families. 

How to donate?

  • ​Click on the Donate Button below: 

  • Or Scan the QR Code                               


Afghan American Cultural Association (AACA) is a nonprofit, non-political, humanitarian organization registered in Washington Secretary of State. AACA is also registered with Internal Revenue Services (IRS) tax-exempt under section 501 (c)(3)of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Note that your donation is fully tax-exempt. We are hoping to ensure every new Afghan Special Immigration family is helped with the items mentioned, and to make their resettlement a smooth experience into a new country and culture. Thank you,


Photo Credit: UNAMA/Fraidoon Poya

Afghan nation torn by war, poverty, and anxiety!

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